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Reason AR37

diploid perennial ryegrass

  • A high performing diploid perennial ryegrass with mid heading (+3)
  • Well balanced, seasonal growth potential with excellent early spring growth in cooler regions 
  • Persistent in, and tolerant of, a wide range of environments
  • Very good tiller density with extremely low aftermath heading in summer
  • Ideal for sheep, beef and dairy systems looking for extra spring growth while maintaining summer and autumn quality and production
Reason AR37 diploid perennial ryegrass
Suitable For

Sowing Rate: 15-25kg/ha
Rainfall: Minimum 600mm per annum
Endophytes: AR37
Heading Date: Mid - +3 days later than Nui
Pasture Life: 5 years+
Soil Fertility: High (Olsen P 20+)
Ploidy: Diploid

New, high performance diploid with industry leading autumn growth and a + 3 heading date

Reason AR37 is a new diploid perennial ryegrass that has topped the DLF Seeds accumulated dry matter production trial against leading perennial diploids (2018 – 2021 Terang Victoria)*, proving it consistently produces excellent quality dry matter production across all seasons. This mid flowering perennial returns to a vegetative state after flowering, providing farmers with extended late season quality – a trait not typically seen in a mid flowering perennial ryegrass. With a +3 heading date and the added benefit of a very low aftermath heading, sow Reason AR37 to boost productivity and take advantage of early spring growth.

*DLF Seeds stage 2 perennial ryegrass trial (2018-2021)

Sowing rate (sole): 20-25kg/ha
Sowing rate (mixed): 15-20kg/ha

Accumulated dry matter production from DLF Seeds perennial ryegrass trial, Terang Victoria (2018-2021)

Reason AR37 graph
  • After 3 years, Reason AR37 was the highest producing diploid perennial ryegrass within the trial.
  • Reason AR37’s strong performance is attributed to strong autumn recovery, early spring growth and returning to vegetative growth state after flowering.

AR37 endophyte takes ryegrass pasture persistence and protection to a premium level.

An endophyte is a fungus found naturally in many grass species, including ryegrass. It provides the plant with protection from insects, and in return the plant provides the endophyte with a place to live and reproduce.

Pests controlled: Argentine Stem Weevil Larvae, Pasture Mealy Bug, Adult Black Beetle and Root Aphid.

Endophyte: See here for important information on insect control and animal control.

DLF Seeds: Leading endophyte experts with over 25 years experience and purpose built cold storage facilities to ensure live endophyte percentages are maintained 

To date AR37 has been trialled with sheep and cattle exclusively. Other classes including horses should not consume forage containing AR37 endophyte. 

Reason AR37 heading date comparisons

Reason AR37 has a +3 heading date vs Nui at 0 days.Within the DLF Seeds Agricom portfolio of products, Reason AR37 has a similar heading date to Somerset and Rely, and is 7 days later than Kingsgate. It is 10 days earlier than Legion AR37 and 17 days earlier than One50 AR37.

Reason AR37 within dairy operations

An ideal mid heading ryegrass to add an earlier heading date to dairy platforms that have a lot of late heading ryegrass. Reason AR37 is a high performance, resilient diploid perennial that has low aftermath heading in summer and maintains summer and autumn productivity similar to existing late heading dairy options.

Reason AR37 within sheep and beef operations

Ideal for early spring set stocking, with its summer quality making it well suited for a range of stock classes. Its low aftermath heading and autumn growth potential making it an excellent fit for autumn mating in sheep systems. Reason SE/AR1 will be released in the future. AR37 endophyte is not suitable for horse pastures.


Minimum 600mm rainfall per annum unless irrigated

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