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forage sorghum

  • Lower prussic acid levels
  • Fine stemmed sudan x sudan forage sorghum hybrid
  • Quick regrowth after initial cutting/grazing
  • Thin leaves and stems make it ideal for hay production and grazing
  • Ideal cutting height 1-1.5m
SpeedanĀ® is a Sudan x Sudan forage sorghum. It has been selected as a fast maturing, high quality sorghum suitable for sheep and cattle. SpeedanĀ® is well suited to dryland or irrigated environments and has the potential to produce large amounts of dry matter during the summer and autumn period.
Suitable For

Sowing Rate: 15-30kg/ha
Rainfall: Minimum 450mm per annum
Weeks to Grazing: 5-8 (weeks)
Heading Date: Early
Pasture Life: Annual
Soil Fertility: High (Olsen P 20+)

Fast maturing sorghum with high dry matter production through summer and autumn

Speedan® is a sudan x sudan forage sorghum. It has been selected as a fast maturing, high quality sorghum suitable for sheep and cattle. Speedan® is well suited to dryland or irrigated environments and has the potential to produce large amounts of dry matter during the summer and autumn period.

Pasture seed sowing rate (sole): 15-30kg/ha


Minimum 450mm rainfall per annum unless irrigated