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BMR Fuel®

forage sorghum

  • An early maturing BMR sorghum x sudan hybrid
  • Fast establishing
  • Excellent regrowth
  • Suited to intensive grazing systems and silage production
  • Suitable in multi-species mixes
Suitable For

Sowing Rate: 15-30kg/ha
Rainfall: Minimum 450mm per annum
Weeks to Grazing: 5-8 (weeks)
Heading Date: Mid
Pasture Life: Annual
Soil Fertility: High (Olsen P 20+)

An early maturing BMR sorghum x sudan cross, perfect for hay and silage

BMR Fuel® is an ideal sorghum for silage and hay production. It offers high dry matter yields combined with the Brown Mid Rib (BMR) gene for lower lignin (indigestible fibre) for improved crop quality. BMR Fuel® is recommended instead of millet, where rotational grazing is an option. This is as a result of its higher water use efficiency which makes it more profitable per kg of dry matter produced.

Pasture seed sowing rate (sole): 15-30kg/ha


Minimum 450mm rainfall per annum unless irrigated