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A top performer: Base AR37 perennial ryegrass


Base is a late maturing tetraploid perennial ryegrass available with AR37 endophyte. Base offers superb dry matter yield meaning more feed is available for your stock. An added feature of Base is its high seasonal production in autumn and winter. It also responds well to summer rainfall, providing growth when moisture and fertility are available. Well established in the dairy sector and seen as a leading option by beef and sheep farmers, Base AR37 kicks goals for Australian farmers.

Base AR37 in Lance Creek Victoria (Wonthaggi)

Leigh Weston (Victorian farmer) and Jake Frecklington (DLF Seeds Sales Agronomist) discuss the benefits of sowing Base AR37 in a Dairy operation.

"Base suits our farm and our management style. When the cows come in here, you will get another litre or two per cow in the vat​, theres no doubt about it." Explains Leigh. 

Base AR37 tops Dairy Australia's Forage Value Index for six consecutive years

Base AR37 tetraploid perennial ryegrass available from DLF Seeds has again come out on top of Dairy Australia’s latest Australian Forage Value Index (FVI) 2023 update. The FVI rating system helps Australian dairy producers make better-informed decisions when choosing a perennial ryegrass cultivar. It provides an accurate, reliable and independent assessment of the potential economic benefit of perennial ryegrass cultivars in different dairy regions of southeast Australia.

Base AR37 is Australian bred for Australian conditions and ultimatley, the superb dry matter yield Base offers coupled with premium insect control means more feed is available for your stock and persistence is optimised. 

Jason Agars, DLF Seeds National Sales and Marketing Manager says “This is a fantastic result, once again for Base AR37. This result, coupled with the fact that it’s Australian bred, really demonstrates its value to Australian farmers. The performance of Base AR37 in our conditions is exceptional and its fit across farming systems in southern Australia continues to expand. In the current environment, with strong milk and red meat markets, it makes a lot of sense to choose the variety that will drive the most productivity”.

Additional information on the Australian Forage Value Index and the 2023 Forage Value Index Pasture Tables can be found here. 

Animal performance trial result

Independent on farm demonstration, Hamilton Victoria (sheep): 

The advantage of using Base AR37 over Victorian Ryegrass. 

In 2016 a demonstration commenced on a property located near Hamilton (‘Wexford’), owned by Tony Fleetwood. The aim was to evaluate lamb and ewe performance on two different perennial ryegrasses. These were Base AR37 (a late heading tetraploid containing AR37 endophyte) and Victorian SE (an early heading diploid containing standard endophyte). 

The trial was independently managed by Andrew Speirs, a consultant with Meridian Agriculture.

Over 4 years Base AR37 delivered an average of $606/ha/year more than Victorian Ryegrass

DLF Seeds trial: Persistence of Base AR37 vs Victorian SE
DLF Seeds trial: Persistence of Base AR37 vs Victorian SE
  • For persistence, Base AR37 stretched the lead in 2020 with Base AR37 at 81.3% and Victorian Standard Endophyte (SE) at 65.3%.
  • In 2021 Base AR37 maintained high plant numbers with a persistence score of 87.5%. Victorian Standard Endophyte (SE) recovered to 72.80% with seedling recruitment.
  • By autumn 2021 Base AR37 had persisted for 5 years, out producing Victorian Standard Endophyte (SE) every year with an overall advantage of $606/ha/year
  • In 2018 and 2019, both cultivars maintained very good plant numbers. In 2020 however, Victorian ryegrass reduced significantly - notably showing areas of winter grass.
  • Importantly in 2020/2021, Base AR37 had a higher persistence count compared to Victorian Standard Endophyte (SE) under set stocking conditions and higher stocking rates. Debunking the popular belief that traditional perennial ryegrasses persist better than modern varieties during tough seasons. ( See graph "Measured persistence yearly rainfall Base AR37 trial on page 20")

Why did Base AR37 out perform Victorian SE? 

  • Higher autumn/winter grass production enabled higher stocking rates of ewes resulting in more lambs being turned off per hectare.
  • The ability of Base AR37 to maintain its feed quality longer at the end of the season led to higher live weight gains in lambs well into December.
  • An additional $131.70 seed investment (when comparing the cost of Base AR37 seed vs Victorian SE seed) resulted in the farmer earning more than $811/ha gross income in the 2018 season. Base AR37 has continued to return a higher profit per hectare over Victorian SE with $547/ha in 2019 and $459/ha in 2020.

Benefits of Base AR37 over Victorian ryegrass

  • Increased gross profit and live weight gain per hectare from lambs.
  • Increased persistence after five years as a result of AR37 endophyte.
  • Added palatability of a late heading tetraploid ryegrass leading to higher weight gains.
  • Higher autumn/winter grass production enabled higher stocking rates of ewes resulting in more lambs being turned off per hectare.
  • The ability of Base AR37 to maintain its feed quality longer at the end of season led to higher live weight gains in lambs, well into December.
  • Base AR37 produces more dry matter and this dry matter is distributed more evenly across the year, making Base AR37 easier to manage compared to Victorian SE.
  • Ewes had improved body condition scores with Base AR37 in comparison to Victorian SE.

Kg liveweight produced per hectare. Calculated income by variety based on lamb liveweight value of $3.50/kg in 2018, $4.00/kg in 2019 and $4.50/kg in 2020

Calculated income by variety. The added value of ewe growth and stocking rate (which was higher for Base AR37) was not included.

In 2019 Base AR37 was overstocked during lambing which impacted future pasture growth. However, it was still significantly more profitable than Victorian SE throughout the year.

In 2017 a limited number of measurements were taken and observations indicated a significant benefit to Base AR37, however full animal measurements did not begin until the 2018 season.

Measured persistence and yearly rainfall from the Base AR37 trial Victorian SE trial

There is a common misconception that Victorian SE persists in years with low rainfall in comparison to modern perennial ryegrass pastures. This graph shows Base AR37 shows a stronger persistence into year four in comparison to Victorian SE, despite a dry year in 2019.

  • In years 2-3 both cultivars maintained very good plant numbers but by different methods. Victorian SE by seedling recruitment and Base AR37 by established plant survival.
  • The Base AR37 paddock hasn’t been allowed to seed as the improved palatability increased the relative grazing pressure, whereas animals refuse to eat Victorian SE when it goes to seed, allowing it to set seed and survive that way.

* 2021 rainfall based on 2021 rainfall up to November 2021

Get in touch

For more information on  Base AR37, deomonstration details of the completed "Independent on farm demonstration Hamilton Victoria (sheep)", Dairy Australia's FVI rating of Base AR37 or, to find your nearest stockist, contact us on 1800 619 910 or get in touch with your local Sales Agronomist today.

Base AR37 is available from all major retailers.